Saturday, August 10, 2019

Vietnamese people need the presence of American and Western forces to help them resist the bullying from communist China. Vietnamese Communist Party, however, does not want that. They need communist China to help them remain the only ruling party in Vietnam. Despite what is happening, Vietnamese Communists are constantly monitoring and threatening Vietnamese people. They are still describing America's political system as a crime, a dangerous enemy and people are not allowed to speak differently from them. Why can money from American taxpayers be used to protect Vietnamese communist rulers? Let them alone in the fight against their people!

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Ý kiến không phải do sức ép quốc tế mà do TQ đã hoàn thành sơ bộ chương trình khảo sát dầu khí tại Bãi Tư Chính nên cho rút tàu.

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