Thursday, July 30, 2020


Rước Tàu qua đây từ trên không lẫn trên bộ
Rước Tàu qua đây từ đường cái đến đường mòn
Rước Tàu qua đây bằng kinh tế công khai lẫn hôn nhân nhập lậu
Hỏi sao đất nước không cúm Tàu từ não đến hậu môn
Đất nước bây giờ Hòn Vọng Phu, Hòn Phụ Tử cũng chìm luôn
Sau đại dịch lần 2 may ra còn hòn dái
Tội nghiệp cho nền văn hiến 4000 năm
Chứng kiến bọn Tàu ở đầu nguồn Mê Kông đứng đái
Chỉ có đập Tam Hiệp vỡ tung thì con rồng lộn mới trở về sán lãi
Và bọn mãi quốc cầu vinh mới thôi kiếp ký sinh trùng
Virus cúm Tàu diệt xong mà virus Hán nô còn tồn tại
Thì chỉ còn cách chiêu hồn Hoàng đế Quang Trung !


Friday, July 17, 2020

We are not black but we are colored, too! We admire your protests and we are on your side! Please have a glance on our wishes!

We are not black but we are colored, too! We admire your protests and we are on your side! Please have a glance on our wishes!
Today in China, Xi Jinping's portraits must be at higher and better positions than Jesus'. Otherwise, church activities would be illegal and banned immediately. Do you know how this bad situation started?
In the so-called Cultural Revolution, the years of 1960s in China, people were urged to attack and burn churches, pagodas and temples like the BLM movement is doing in American cities today.
When the United States began helping China build its economy, in the years of 1970s, the attacks and arson diminished, but the CCP's power was not changed.
Abortion, a Chinese wife must be a sex slave for different men in the same family; in not few cases, someone has to kill one or several members of his family to prove that he is loyal to the communist party; Falun Gong members were killed for organs for sale like animals; Muslims in Xinjiang must work without pay to produce cheap goods sold to Europe and America, enriching the CCP ...
All that could happen to Americans if Donald Trump is defeated in November, if leftist politicians and Joe Biden are elected, if the Second Amendment is abolished.
Do you know what of Black Americans' qualities that we Asians love and respect? It is  your great ability to forgive. But we believe that you are not ready to face the communists. Please listen to us, for our great America!

Leftist activists, along with Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi ... are leading all Americans to a socialist governance system. They want only two social classes to exist in the United States: elite, rich, powerful people and people with average or low income like me and you.
They want to destroy the middle class of educated people, not wealthy but able to compete for power with them, able to show which foreign power they sell the United States, the Americans and the US military to.

Left-wing activists really want that, but do you think you want an American regime built like the one in China? There will be only two social classes, one for people in the communist party and the other for ordinary people like us.
A criminal will not be punished until he is no longer a communist. Justice or not, completely depends on the communists' interests.